Across the world, due to a global pandemic, things changed. Things changed so drastically and so quickly that we barely had time to digest what was happening, let alone devise a plan for what was to come.
One drastic change was the indefinite closure of schools. Millions of students worldwide were asked to take learning online. Parents suddenly found themselves needing to wear not only the parent hat but a teacher hat as well—all the while working their fulltime jobs.
They were left to fend for themselves and pick up where their children left off at school. Parents needed to juggle the responsibilities of their job, their family, and their child’s academic performance while maintaining an emotionally and physically balanced and healthy lifestyle. As a parent of a 12-year-old and a fulltime teacher, learning online presented challenges that neither of us was ready to tackle. Nevertheless, we went into survival mode and got through it together. After 11 weeks of virtual learning, here is how I tried my best to keep my child’s online learning positive and safe.
1.Be open and honest:
Whether your child is in Kindergarten or High School, having an honest dialog about Covid-19 is vital. Let them know that they can come to you with any questions or concerns and answer your child’s questions in a factual and age-appropriate manner. There is no need to provide too many details that may confuse them or worry them. Address any fears or anxieties that they may have and pay close attention to what they see or hear on TV or online. Remind them that Allah swt is in control and that He doesn’t test us with more than we can bear.
2.Make a schedule and make it visible:
Working and schooling from home, for most people, isn’t familiar territory. Things still need to get done and productivity can easily drop if time isn’t managed. Coming up with a schedule with your children that is realistic and goal-focused is crucial. To start, try to keep the same sleeping schedule for your children that they had when they were going to school.
Providing clear expectations of daily studying routines will give children the structure they need to succeed. Don’t forget to include chores and physical activity in the schedule. This will give your children a sense of responsibility and participation.
3.Create opportunities for online bonding:
Connecting with friends and family is more important now than ever before and this can only happen online. Give your children the opportunity and privacy to be able to keep in touch with others even if it means more screen time. This is a great opportunity for your child to express kindness and empathy with those closest to their hearts.
4.Keep them active:
Anyone with experience of parenting a teenager knows that it can sometimes be difficult to motivate children of this age group. As a mother of a pre-teen, Covid-19 didn’t help the situation. It was very difficult keeping my son active and healthy. However, I found it easier to keep him interested if I did it with him. You can take advantage of your yard space and play games with your children, cycle or stroll up and down the neighborhood together. While we are often trying to reduce screen time, there are a few fun online resources such as PE with Joe and Cosmic Kids Yoga to help inspire and keep children active.
5.Learn something new:
This is a golden opportunity to take the time to encourage your children to get creative, pick up a new skill, and hone some life skills. For example, provide opportunities for them to sew, garden, draw, paint, cook or write and support their interest in acquiring one or more of these skills. This will not only serve as a time killer but also increases their independence and boost their self-confidence. Chores like folding the laundry, making one’s bed, baking, and setting the table are all great ways to encourage children to be independent and teach them some practical skills.