The thought of sitting on a long-haul flight with a crying baby is probably every person’s worst nightmare (parent or not), but we are here to tell you that with the right approach and preparation, traveling with kids can be the most AMAZING experience you will ever have!
Even if your child is fussy, that should never be a reason to avoid traveling, because the memories you will make together at your destination far outweigh any downfalls you may have while traveling. We have traveled with both of our girls by plane, train, boat, tuk-tuk, and everything in between, and it has been the biggest blessing in our life. We’ve been to about 50 countries with Lina, our 3-year-old, and about half of that with Layana, our 9-month-old (or more if you count the time she was in my belly!), so we’ve compiled a list of (hopefully) helpful tips for traveling with little ones!
Our TOP 5 favorite items while traveling with kids:
1: Stroller that folds compactly to fit in the overhead bin.
Having a stroller that folds compactly to fit in the overhead bin while traveling is truly a lifesaver! We have found that a lot of times we don’t get our stroller back at the gate even though it is tagged that way and it becomes such a struggle if both our girls are asleep. Sometimes, the only downside is that the strollers are not very durable on rocky or uneven landscapes, but for use around the cities with paved roads these strollers are perfect.
2: Carrier with soft material.
I would say more important, or just as important as a good stroller is a good carrier! We’ve tried a few brands, and I think we like carriers with soft material better than the more bulky ones – it is easier on our shoulders and just as secure.
3: Diaper bag that has a lot of room.
Invest in a diaper bag that has a lot of room for a good amount of diapers and snacks, that is easy to carry (like a backpack type), and that has plenty of extras for your own things like portable chargers, etc.
4: Healthy snacks to prevent a meltdown.
I can’t tell you how many times a good snack has prevented a meltdown (especially since our baby LOVES to eat!). While traveling, it is so easy to pick super unhealthy things to eat (we do it more often than I like), but getting good snacks for the kids at least is a great investment. My kids love yogurt bites and raisins!
5: Entertainment to keep the little ones busy.
Kid-Sized Headphones: Investing in a good pair of kid-sized headphones for your toddler is seriously a life-saver on long-haul flights. We just pop them on Lina’s head and she is content for the entire flight! We may be the exception, but even if it’s just an hour or so of keeping your child entertained, it’s worth it!
Coloring Book And Colors: Self-explanatory, but the cool thing on a lot of airlines is that they actually provide stuff like this for kids sometimes!
…and for EMERGENCIES ONLY…SWEETS! We see nothing wrong with giving your kid a lollipop or chocolate to diffuse a tantrum in-flight. It’ll make you, your kids, and everyone around you more at peace. We have never had an issue with our girls demanding sweets outside of the flights for the same reason.
We personally have chosen not to travel with car seats. There are options in some locations to rent baby gear such as car seats or strollers, but most of the time we do not use cars to get around and prefer public transportation. In the places where there isn’t really public transport available, we will order a taxi that has car seats available.
Our TOP 5 tips for traveling with kids:
1: BASINET SEAT: Request a bassinet seat if you have an infant! You get some hands-free time PLUS extra legroom for no extra cost ?
2: INFLATABLE FOOTREST: Invest in inflatable footrest for your toddler to sleep comfortably if there is not an option for them to lay flat in the seats next to you.
3: USE A PACIFIER: Whether you are breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, try to feed them or use a pacifier during take-off and touch down – it helps their little ears!
4: DON’T STRESS! When you stress, your kids stress. Just go with the flow, and understand that your kids may have a meltdown and it’s OK! Everyone on the plane has been a baby at one point in their lives, and if they don’t understand that an airplane is a great new world of smells, sounds and physical feelings for your kids, then that’s on them! You should not have to apologize or feel bad for having children and wanting to show them the world!
5: PACK LIGHT! You DO NOT need to take every single baby item you own with you!
You can buy diapers, wipes, and baby food anywhere in the world, so just pack enough for a couple of days.
Take only 1 or 2 small toys for your kids to play with because the rest of the time you’ll be out sightseeing anyways!
If you’re traveling for more than a week, still only take 1 week’s worth of clothes or less and just wash and re-use them.
Lina, our toddler, is a dream to travel with, but my younger daughter was a HORRIBLE flier at first. She has gotten better with each flight, so I can say firsthand that if your kids don’t do well on their first flight, DO NOT GIVE UP! They will grow and you will learn from each other what works and what doesn’t.