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TOP 5 Tips to Cope with the Stress and Anxiety of COVID-19

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Updated: Oct 14, 2021

Stress, although it has a negative connotation, is not necessarily totally bad. It is, in fact, an integral part of life. Often, stress would work in our favor and help us perform better in work, school, or life in general. The optimal level of stress produces maximum performance. However, when the stress level goes beyond the threshold hold of what is called optimum, this is when it works against us. This is when one must find ways to cope with it or manage it.

Traveling is a well-known way to reduce stress. Traveling itself can sometimes become stressful, however, there is more reward that comes along with it. COVIS-19 has caused borders to be closed and many travelers had canceled their plans that they have been dreaming about. This is a very disappointing situation for any traveler whether they had canceled their plan, or returned early back home. Having to cancel or delay travel plans is not just about the logistics of it, it is about missing an experience, not being able to see a close friend that you have not seen in a long time, or not being able to embark on a journey of self-exploration. This itself is enough reason for any traveler to be stressed.

The outbreak of the novel coronavirus has caused stress levels to go up. As this has turned into a pandemic, almost everyone in the world is concerned. Whether individuals are infected or not, it has already taken a toll on them psychologically. Research suggests that stress and anxiety have physical, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral symptoms on individuals. We wanted to inform you about the potential symptoms you might have and evidence-based ways to cope with this.

Prophet (s.a.w) said, ‘O servants of Allah, treat yourselves with medication when you are ill, because Allah, the Exalted, Has created a cure for every illness except ‘old age’ (Ahmad; An Nasai).

Here are the Potential Symptoms you might face due to Stress and Anxiety

  1. It is natural if you are worried about your health or the ones you care about.

  2. Your sleep pattern or eating habits might change toward either end of the spectrum (e.g. eating too much, or loss of appetite)

  3. You might have an upset stomach or headache.

  4. It might be a little more difficult to concentrate on tasks. That is ok, just know that it is temporary.

If you have any of these symptoms, you do not have to worry. This is just your body’s way of trying to communicate with you. Your body is trying to tell you that you need to start taking care of yourself because all this stress is becoming too much to handle. It is not difficult to manage your stress, even if you do not have the energy or motivation to do any of the below suggestions, push yourself to do it. As you do more, you will be motivated to continue.

Here are the TOP 5 Effective Tips to Cope with Stress and Anxiety

  1. Take a break from the news (reading, watching, or listening) including social media.

  2. Pray as spirituality is proven to contribute significantly to mental wellbeing.

  3. Share your worries and thoughts with others to find support and be a support.

  4. Try the Deep Breathing Exercise; evidence suggests that deep breathing releases the physicals tension of the body.

Here is how you do it in 4 steps (This is called 3-4-5 technique):

Step 1: Exhale all the air from the mouth as if you are trying to blow a candle. Step 2: Take a deep breath from the nose for 3 seconds. Step 3: Hold your breath for 4 seconds. Step 4: Exhale from the mouth for 5 seconds.

5. Exercise. If you have limited space at home, check out the Progressive

Muscle Relaxation Technique. It is a research-based technique that is commonly used for stress relief in medical and mental health fields.

Listen to your body. Take care of it so it can take care fo you.


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